The jungle style


                There is no formal definition of Jungle style, this style popularized by George Booth, favors plants and roots made with a much more wild, messier. Possibly the easiest aquascaping type to replicate, the Jungle style aquarium represents a great challenge for beginners people who have little knowledge.

           The most fun thing about this style there are no rules, create what you like. You can select the plants you like, the aquascaping possibilities are only limited by your imagination, although the most used aquarium plants for this type of style are too tall, large-leaved plants. They can be bold and big, not like the Nature style, where you go for clean lines and fine texture.

This style of aquascaping incorporates the principles of natural aquascaping, but making the most savage and disorderly. Crazy jungle type aquariums are provided more hardscape and plants which are generally more impressive. They are generally concentrated around a central point and uses textures and colors around this point to draw the eye in selected directions.

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